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Submaxillary ühine ravi
subjects for 30 days decreased (P < 0.05) blood glucose, urine sugar, and plasma glycoprotein levels, as well as the lipid profile and the activity of liver enzymes. In conclusion, the powder of the medicinal plant B. monosperma fruit can be considered an effective and alternative treatment for diabetes. Key words: Butea .
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Aug 25, 2014 After dosing on the day of the examination, all animals were individually placed in cages equipped with a urine collector under deprivation of food but with parathyroids, submandibular lymph node, mesenteric lymph node, thoracic aorta, trachea, lung (including bronchus), tongue, esophagus, stomach, .
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Jun 5, 2015 Saliva has some advantages compared to blood and urine, two of the most used diagnostic fluids in laboratory setting. Saliva collection is easy The whole fluid present in the oral cavity originates mainly from three salivary glands: parotid, submandibular and sublingual. Ravi Banavar SR, Vidya.
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Read Dr. Vikram Jain's insights about modern day knee implants to replace compromise with replacement. We understand your joints better. #beatthepain. Link to ePaper-. LikeComment. Sunil Duggal, Prabhat Singh, Sidhu Mandeep Sidhu and 12 others .
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Kimura's disease is a rare form of chronic eosinophilic inflammatory disease with vascular proliferation involving salivary gland, skin, lymph node, and kidney. Important anesthetic concerns include increased surgical bleeding due to its vascular nature, airway involvement by the mass leading to a possible difficult airway, .
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Abstract. Three female patients, two presenting with bilateral parotid gland enlargement and one with bilateral submandibular gland enlargement, were subjected to fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). Smears showed noncaseating epithelioid cell granulomas with or without giant cells and salivary gland acini with .
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Aug 13, 2012 Abstract Betel nut (BN), betel quid (BQ) and products derived from them are widely used as a socially endorsed masticatory product. The addictive nature of BN/BQ has resulted in its widespread usage making it the fourth most abused substance by humans. Progressively, several additives, including .
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